2021 Scripture Calendar

Many of you know that the Lord put it in my heart to put beautiful scripture on the walls - where we can memorize it, have it encourage and speak to us - in only the way the Word can - when we see it everyday.

The first year I made calendars (in 2015) was for the year 2016. Then 2018, then 2020... it seems I had a 'gap' year each time.

Not this time!

The 2021 Scripture Calendars are HERE and they are in a brand NEW style! Yes. I am very excited! (Add a few more exclamation marks!)

They're 5 x 10 inches, there is an area for notes AND (the best part)... you can trim off the bottom 3 inches after each month so you're left with a 5x7 frameable piece of Room to Flourish scripture art.


Coming soon: more hand painted journals. They were a hit last year, so watch this space. Or, better yet, put an order in now and I'll paint your favorite verse on one.

Order now! Shipping is always delayed a little at this time of year and especially since the global thing-that-must-not-be-mentioned is hanging around.

Follow the links to my online shop Room to Flourish, or simply send me an email (reply to this if it's in your inbox, or use home page web-version contact form). I would love any feedback, as well. If there is something you are always looking for a in a calendar I'd love to hear it!

Supply is very limited! Hint: less than 50 are now available!

Thank you SO much for your on-going support. God bless you and keep you. xx

Love you!



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